Onset Summer of Love Free Summer Concerts 2019
The Onset Summer of Love have Free live Music every Wednesday evening at The Bandshell in Onset all Summer! The 2019 shows begin Wednesday, June 26th and continue through Wednesday, August 28th.

6:30-9:00 p.m. @ The Lillian Gregerman Bandshell in Onset. 1 Union Avenue, behind the Quahog Republic.
Wednesday June 26th The Black Vines
Wednesday July 3rd Way Up South
Wednesday July 10th 57 Heavy
Wednesday July 17th Dave Richardson Band
Wednesday July 24th Shattered
Wednesday July 31st Marcus Monteiro Quartet
Wednesday August 7th Just Like That
Wednesday August 14th Forever Young – A Tribute to the Music of Neil Young
Wednesday August 21st The Rose Wharf Band
Wednesday August 28th Studio Two (Beattles tribute band)
hese concerts are free, but the bands and sound man do get paid! Donations gratefully accepted. This event is run entirely by volunteers and supported by donations and sponsorships from local businesses. Thank you for your support!
ALL are welcome! Kid friendly. Leashed well behaved dogs also welcome.
Live broadcast and web stream courtesy of WCTV. Tune in to your local cable channels or watch the livestream at www.warehamtv.org and click on “live stream 1” and enjoy! Replays the following Saturday night at 7 pm.
In case of rain, we meet at the Onset VFW outdoor pavilion located at 4 Gibbs ball Park Road in east Wareham, just 1 mile from the Bandshell. ALL are welcome here, too! This space and the indoor hall are available for rentals. They also serve a great home cooked meal on Wednesday nights at 6 for only $10!
Free parking after 6 pm, except at the Town Pier.
Free parking all the time at Hynes Field by Chucks Auto. 2 minute walk up 10th Street to the Bandshell.
Food and merchandise vendors are welcome. Please inquire at onsetvillage@yahoo.com for more info.
Advertising support provided by grants from the Wareham Community Events Committee.